
Aha! moments and food problems

Yesterday, while re-watching Enter the Kettlebell, I had an "Aha!" moment. I figured out where my form was messed up for the snatch. I was trying to do more of a pull straight from the ground, when I should have been thinking of it more of a really, really high and tight swing, followed by a "punch up" at the end. Doing it that way my form looks more like Pavel's, and I can get in more reps. Just tried a few reps (nothing even close to a workout, since this is a "rest day" from weights today), and I could actually do it. Also tried a C&P to see what was what with my strong arm, and was able to do 5. That's the basic starting point for the RKC: Rite of Passage that I'm starting in on after the Ride. Now I'm excited!

Some things continue to be an issue mentally. Basic things like a desire to nourish my body. I know that food is the fuel for my own performance, but lately I just haven't really wanted to eat. It seems like every time I've just been forcing myself to eat because I know that I'll need the food later. The only times that has been an exception has been when Kelly made ratatouille and soup earlier in the week. I just haven't wanted to eat anything. I think the problem has been that I've poisoned myself with too much take-out and crap food. When we were eating the stuff from the CSA, I felt great and actually wanted to eat. When I was eating the stuff I ordered from Asian Noodle House with the team the other day: I got about half-way into it and didn't want it anymore...though I still cleared my plate. Kelly has been challenging herself to eat something from our CSA at every non-breakfast meal. Maybe that's the key...either that or I've just completely burned out on take-out food in Ithaca.

So how to fix the above problem? Create more food, dine out less. Can one force themselves to be inspired to cook by simply reading food magazines/cookbooks and trying to make something out of them? We'll just have to wait and see...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to say that that's true (the creating food and dining out less). I haven't been able to cook food for quite some time, but now that I'm home and have the resources, it's so much easier. I made chicken pot pie last night, felt good about eating it, and can't wait to have the leftovers! I also started (just from making something easy) was inspired to look through my Cooking Light to find something for dinner on Sunday after I run out of pot pie. I got ideas also for things I wanted to eat for the rest of the week that seemed simple, are healthy, and will taste absolutely delicious : ) So, I say, go for it!