
Moron Food...or More on food.

Since I tweaked my back in my last workout, and thus have taken the last few days off, I'm going to talk about food for a bit.

I started rereading Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food last night. Since I was talking about needing to change my eating habits a couple of days ago, Kelly suggested that I reread it (since the books I'm currently waiting on won't be released for another month or so, and there's only so much reading involved with books on Jujitsu). I had forgotten how well his writing flows, but I had also forgotten how skewed my own view on food has become.

Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Sounds simple right? He then goes on to describe what Food is, versus the chemically engineered science projects that pass as food. I agree that my own eating has been overall less than stellar since leaving my folks place (we used to eat only Organic though not necessarily local), Kelly and I decided fairly early in our relationship that we were going to eat better than we had been and joined a CSA. After we decided that the pick-up time/location wasn't particularly convenient we swapped to one that had a pickup located at a store we shop at for most of our produce anyway. So that made it fairly easy for us to keep to better food habits.

Well, for Kelly anyway. For me it has been a challenge to eat my portion of our share. For whatever reason I don't think of veggies as the main portion of what I'm eating. Then I suffer for it later. But, I can change this, just as I changed everything else in my life: hard work and actually wanting to. So my new goal is to try to eat better. I'm already doing plenty of training, and with my new goals incoming, I figure I'll add this in there as "the next step", as it were. That and I really miss cooking...I'm just not inspired to any more, and I want to change that.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

i've gotten really big into trying to keep my body in a 'base' or 'alkaline' state lately. I take in a ridiculous amount of protein, dairy, and coffee.. all of which have major negative effects on the ph (moving toward acid) level in my body.

my training goes much better when I am taking a greens supplement 3x a day or just eating green veggies with every meal. i just forget most of the time. the only time i remember is when i feel absolutely beaten down. such as today. check out my log to see what I did today in my morning and evening sessions. nightmarish.

i wish i could copy and paste links in this thing.