
RKC-RoP — Week 3something: Heavy Day

Man, oh man, this one was a total burner. I'm totally smoked, but the best part of this? Kelly did her workout right after me: 200 swings with her 8kg kettlebell in 10 minutes. I can't believe she beat my numbers (she says she wasn't even trying to do so)! I'm so proud :-D

TGU 16kg x 5 minutes — Warm up.

Goblet Squat 16kg x 5 slow reps, ass to ankles — more warm up.

C&P 16kg x 5x(1;2;3)

Swings 16kg 90 in 5 minutes.

Too many donuts today, but needed the heavy workout to minimize the damage...


Sandy Sommer, RKC said...

Looks like a very solid ETK session. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Thanks Sandy! Still working on getting some of the mechanics down on my Cleans, since I seem to not quite be as "snappy" as some of the YouTube videos of the RKC folks I've seen...

Any tips?