

Just when I think I'm getting into a roll, I have some sort of setback. A couple weeks back I managed to sprain (or worse, but this is my unprofessional medical opinion) my right elbow, which has kept me from doing any lifting. This has also made jujitsu class painful, but I've been trying to tough it out anyway (in Jujitsu that is).

This morning, I managed to actually do a little workout before my elbow twinged and I almost dropped 16kg of Kettlebell on my noggin. Good thing I dropped it back into the rack before I dropped it onto my skull. Ah well.

I've decided I'm going back to the Program Minimum for a week as rehab. Also, my calluses are virtually gone from being off for 2 weeks and that's going to play murder on my first set of Snatches, I can tell.

Workout numbers for today

RKC-Arm Bar x2 each side

Pumps x 5 just to warm up the body

C&P 2x(1;2;3) — elbow tweaked, abandoned after evened out on Left side

The plan now is to do the Program Minimum for the rest of this week and see if I can re-do my Light day on Saturday.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

ya ninny. get back at it.