9.53 miles
Took the short way into the office, because I had both my new Gis in my messenger bag (think about 15-20 lbs of fabric), so I decided that the short way was in order. After being in the office for about half an hour, I scooted up to my tailor's shoppe and dropped off my gis, patches and received the receipt for pickup next week. Biked home at the end of the day.
Missed the beginning warm-ups, but:
- Rolls and Falls
- Assorted Two-Point blocking drills
- Kata: Taikyoku Sandan — at least 5 times, though I can't remember right now
Again, nobody showed up, so we started working on the first Black Sash form: Traditional Wu Dang Five Element Cascade Fist. It'll be a nice form once I've learned it all, but for the moment I wouldn't say that I really got any workout while practicing it.
- Da Mo Qigong 12 Posture Set x 5 times each posture — about 30 minutes all told
- QinNa practice:
- 6 x Prop Up Elbow
- 6 x Roast Peeking Duck
- More work on the Cascade form
6.52 miles
Of course, since I packed extra rain gear in anticipation of rain in the forecast we didn't get any. Took my bike back up to Swan's for a quick couple of repairs. Also got a chance to ride his new Big Dummy, which I totally covet. Sweet ride. Also, found out how much a LHT will run me, so I can save up for one. Huge happy hat!
Ithaca Fest Parade today, so I won't be making it up to class, but that doesn't mean I don't get a ride in...
10 miles
Thunderstorms in the forecast for today. Wore too much clothing on the way in...thankfully I keep spare clothes at work, after getting soaked in the rain more than once...
Wound up going back and forth a couple of times between the garage area and where we were starting for the parade.