


  • 14.62 miles. Took Thomas loop, then scooted down Turkey Hill, and over to Stephenson, to Game Farm past the Vet School to the office. Wound up hooking up with another Cyclist just past the horse farm on Thomas. Chatted for a while, so my average speed wasn't as high as it might have been if I was hammering away by myself, but it was a good ride nonetheless.
  • I hear tell that there's a lunch time ride today — Got word from the Wellness Program list serve. May go check that out, since they were talking about a 6 mile, or so, ride. Or may go home for "already paid for lunch". Wound up sticking around, so no ride
  • May take the long way home (again!), for some extra miles before tomorrow's group ride, but that will depend on what time I get out of the office. Just went the "short way" home, for 2.77 miles

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