
ETK: RKC-RoP: End of Week 4: Heavy Day: in which Kelly totally shows me up in the Swings deparment

Once again, Kelly is totally showing me up in the swings department... she's already at "150, bitch!" and I don't think she's stopping (10 minutes...she says she's going for 250). I'm going for my 100 Snatch challenge, starting on Monday, and we'll see how many I can do on Monday, and we'll adjust it from there.

Workout numbers for today

Goblet Squats 16kg x 5 — ass to ankles

RKC-Arm Bar 16kg 5 x each side — I love this exercise!! Wow!

TGU 16kg x 6 min

C&P 16kg 5x(1;2;3;4) — next week, totally going to try for 5!

Swings 16kg 50 x 3 minutes

Edit: Kelly hit 250 in ~15 minutes. She's totally rockin!...and I'm totally jealous...but we're going for different things. And then she tried climbing the stairs and her legs said, "Ow!".

1 comment:

Brendan said...

glad to see you updating again. great work jake.