
Wednesday: 2009-06-10


6.78 miles

Feeling completely warn out this morning, despite having gotten over 7 hours of sleep. Not sure what's going on... I've noticed that my weight has been creeping back up again, though all my clothes are still loose. My guess is that the Kettlebell routine is packing on some extra muscle — though it could also just be the fact that I've been eating like a duck the last week or so.

Not sure if I should take a day off from the Kettlebells, or if I should just power through it and hope that I'll be feeling better later in the day/week. Either that or try some Qigong later tonight if I'm still feeling like crud on a plinth.


Brendan said...

i'd say you have the various elements in your post. you need more sleep. yes... more sleep. and need to eat better quality food. have you considered a food jounral for a week? really makes you consider what you're eating.

Unknown said...

Part of the problem with me and food journals is that it winds up becoming really neurotic for me: the need to document everything becomes all consuming (pun intended), but it's worth a shot. Especially since I figured out last night that the 4 lbs I've gained in the last 2 weeks, 2.5 have been pure fat >:-|