
RKC-RoP — Week 2a Light Day

The protocol for increasing your C&P is to start with 3x(1;2;3) (or even 3x(1;1;1)), and work your way up to 5x(1;2;3) for the Light Day's workouts. I'm just now doing:

C&P — 16kg 4x(1;2;3)

Snatch — 16kg 31 in 5 minutes — Did something a little stupid on my left shoulder, where it does this roll out of the joint thing when it's at full extension & loaded & and I haven't sucked it into the joint. I wish there was a CK-FMS near me, and I don't know if any PT would cover this kind of problem...

Wells & SToIC tonight! It's gonna be a rough day, I can tell already since I'm the only one in the office with Don on Vacation. Gotta remember to bring my Kettlebell with me to New Hampshire this weekend so that I can get in my Heavy Day before the wedding.

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