
Playing with 28" sharp things are good times


12 miles of good solid riding today. Granted they were more or less in three mile chunks, but such is life when you commute by bike.

Weight lifting

Was thinking of going for a PR this morning, but decided against it when I sat down on the couch and fell asleep again for a few minutes (Toby's scratching at the window was the only thing that woke me up). Ah well, still got in my workout nonetheless. Oh, and I also just noticed that I'm now 3 weeks into a regular routine (Thanks Brendan for the gCalendar suggestion, it's really workout out so far!). I weighed myself this morning, and I'm down a solid 6 lbs since I started this routine. Nice, but we'll see if the trend continues (also probably helped by Kelly and my not going out to eat quite so many times this week — we should do that more often!).

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • Swing Ladder: 2x(10;15;20) — next week gonna bump it up up to 3 sets!

There's nothing in Enter the Kettlebell that prescribes how long on should stay on the RKC Program Minimum, but I figure I'll give it 6 weeks and see how I'm progressing. What does that mean? Well the next "Level", so to speak, is the RKC Rite of Passage, which adds the Clean & Press and Snatch to the workout. It also spreads it out into a 5 day week instead of 4. With the cycling season cranking away, it seems likely that I'll wait until after the Ride for Life before making this change, since there will likely be fewer long rides in my schedule... Though I may wait until the morning temps start to drop before really tackling the RKC-RoP. Why? Well one of the ways to tell that you're supposed to graduate to the next level of Kettlebell is if you can do 5x(1;2;3;4;5) C&P with the bell you're doing your normal ladders with. My next bell is going to be the RKC 24kg bell. If they were still making them, I'd totally get the Russian Red one... but sadly they're not. I love my 16kg kettlebell, and am very pleased with the gains I've made in this short time.

Need to remember to start making "hand care" part of my daily routine. I'm starting to get some nice blisters on both hands, on top of the calluses I already got from sword work.

Other Training

Karate: Good class today. Worked on some more sweeps, but nothing nearly as strenuous as last time. Many of the adults were still sore (not me!), so we took it a bit easier on them for it. Still sweat plenty though.

Sword: Fulfilling his seemingly once per week visits to the dojo, Scott appeared again today. I hinted to Shishou that we should do metal (since it's been a while), thus metal was indeed performed (man, that's an old pic...or at least it seems that way now). Hundreds of cuts later we performed all of the kata from our system in with Iaito (Scott), Masahiro (Shishou) and LastLegend (me). There's something about using a real live blade that makes the katas feel different. It's hard to explain if you've never done it.

GungFu: was just me and Danny. Did a lot of Chin Na for class, concentrating on getting Danny to focus enough to actually perform the techniques correctly...ugh.


Thunderstorms ho!


6.5 measly miles. UGH! DAMN WEATHER!

Weight lifting

TGU Day. I think I may have gone overtime on my TGUs this morning, since I was too beat to go for a long ride afterwards. Oh well

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • TGU


In heat like this, even resting makes me sweat


18 miles at a 14.5 mph pace

I kept having weird mechanical issues this morning while riding. Bike needs a cleaning and lubing. Should probably think about when exactly when I want to take my bike in for a checkup before the Ride for Life.

Weight lifting

Rest day. Hot. It was "a skoah-tcha" as they'd say back in Boston.

Other Training

Karate: On hot days like today, Shishou likes to work us a little harder than normal. Some weird push up variation from a "Downward Facing Dog" position that I don't know the name of (kinda like the first half of a dive bomber), a little shoulder work and a lot of "making the two kids actually work for a change. That's one of the things that frustrates me about some kids: some of them are fine to work with. Some are nightmares. These two are about half way between the two ends of the spectrum — just frustrating enough that we've got to keep an eye on them. After warm ups we brought out the mats for rolls and falls, and diving forward front falls (which are some of my favorite! — as opposed to "frog front falls" which are also my favorite... actually I love them all!), and then we did diving Back falls, and diving side falls. It was fun to try these that way since it was much more of a realistic fall scenario. Once that was done we brought out the other mat and hooked them together. Then we did reverse hip throws (as opposed to sweeps), and I got to toss around Felix a bit (sorry!). Man, doing the strength work with the Kettlebells really makes a difference for these throwing skills. I feel like I tossed all 170 lbs of Felix around like a rag doll. Then it was front hip throws. I still hate these, since for whatever reason I can't seem to get the angles quite right...and just as I think I figured it out: we ran out of time. 45 minutes of tossing each other around was quite enough to work up a sweat.

Sword: No Scott (big shock, I know), so no sword. I wanted to really sweat for the rest of the night, so I put on my cut-off sweatshirt over the tshirt I was wearing... Shishou and I worked the Second Long Huo Jann Dou Quan Gungfu form until I had a good feel for it (about 15 times in the 45 minutes between students appearing. This is good, because this was the other form that I needed, and the only one that I didn't know cold. Most excellent!

Gungfu: Finished up some of of the first level drills for our Yellow Sash folks, then drilled the First Long Huo Jann Dou Quan form at least 10 times, then we got a chance to perform it solo. Shishou's instructions to me before my go were "Take your time, but hurry up". Great, thanks :) Normally at a slow pace it takes about 3 minutes to run through the whole form. I think I did the whole thing in about half that. I was breathing hard and dripping at the end (completely soaked through my sweatshirt) of that run. Then for the last 15 minutes of class we just ran the second form for the yellow sash folks (this would be the next form they'd have to learn after the one they're working on), only getting through it about 3 times (5 minutes per run). Still, even doing it that slowly, I was now beyond soaked, approaching a bonk. Good thing that was it for the night!


Monday is as monday does


9 miles

Weight lifting

Even the waiting a little while longer for the coffee this morning to kick in didn't get me to that third set I thought I was ready for... oh well, one more week at 2x isn't going to hurt anything (besides, the 30 halos are quite the difference maker for tiredness, let me tell ya).

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • Swings: 2x(10;15;20)


Weekend Spew


Saturday: the streak continues, but I literally only went <0.5 mile... but a ride is a ride.

Sunday: 5.1 miles at a leisurely pace. Went to College Town for a late lunch

Weight lifting

Saturday is my rest day, but I wandered around the Sterling Festival with Kelly and Helena all day, which was fun :) — and about 3-4 miles of walking, maybe more!

Sunday morning: TGU Workout:

  • Mental note: Coffee before the workout really brings out the sweat and helps a bit with the focus first thing in the morning — try coffee before tomorrow's set of swings!
  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos — New PR of 2x15 (one set to the L, one to the R). Triceps were screaming for mercy at the end...mercy is for the weak Mr. Lawrence!
  • TGUs — Felt good and strong at the end of the set, though I did note that my left shoulder has a tendency to stray forward as I start the stand part of the get-up. I need to remember on Wednesday to pay attention to where it is, and push away from the kettlebell more.


Workout Rest day should be more restful


6.6 miles, with a 15.1 mph 2.7 mile ride home, damn again mother Nature!

Hit a new PR today: haven't taken a day off cycling since June 29th. I can't compete with Kelly's 140ish days in a row, but still... Go me :)

Weight lifting

rest day, so no workout other than the bike rides around. Actually pushed pretty hard getting home, because of the weather. I may have been even faster if not for the stupidity of drivers, stop signs, traffic lights and everything else...good times.


Thunderdome: 2 days enter: one day posts

Ugh, didn't get a chance to update my blogs yesterday because my allergies were in full force. I hate them and wish they'd find a different bloke to bother. Also getting 11 hours of sleep probably helped a bit too.


Wednesday: 22.76 miles at a 14.1 average pace. Totally rockin!

Thursday: 6.5 miles thanks to f'in mother nature...

Weight lifting

Wednesday: Tried getting in a Clean and Press with both hands, just to see how my progress is doing: Right arm — totally rockin' the single rep. Left arm — messy clean and no press. Okay, more TGUs and swings until I can do it with both hands. Then I can start working on working towards an eventual RKC-I (my guess is that it'll take me about 2 years to get there. I'd settle for being certified RKC by the time I'm 35 a victory (considering at my current pace I'll also either have my Sandan or Yondan in Karate, my Nidan if not Sandan in Sword, and maybe — just maybe if we work real hard, and the other students hurry — I'll also have my Black sash in gungfu) cert. It's gonna be a long road, but it sounds like it's going to be worth it.

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • TGUs — was totally doggin this one, and tried going for an extra set at the end of 5 minutes...totally a bad idea and I paid for it with a wrenched shoulder. The only reason it didn't injure me is that I was only working with the 16kg bell. Remember: The Party is always right

Thursday: Swings. Yay! Swings! Swings on 11 hours of sleep following no dinner. Yay... um... no that sucks. Okay, but we'll do them anyway! YAY!

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • Swings: 2x(10;15;20) — if I had eaten last night and not felt like hell this morning I probably could have gotten in another set. Next week I'll bump it up to 3 sets total

Other Training

After 2x20 push-ups and 20 situps we worked on a bunch of self-defense-ish stuff including some really viscous street-fighting "ideas" I'll call them (Tiger Rake to the eyes, Dragon Hand to the throat, to name a couple). No Scott so no sword. Gungfu was a few sets of a qigong form that really brings out the sweat, then we worked on some White Crane stuff until the end of the night, and called it a day.


Fhqwhgads means everybody to their limit!


5.5 miles

weather fooled me again this morning. Thought we were gonna get rain: didn't do squat.

Weight lifting

Rest day for lifting.

Other Training

Not so much rest was had in Karate. Started out with just Shishou, me and John, then more dedicated family showed up and we got down to business with kata (after our normal warm up of rolls/falls of course). They're all orange belts (7th kyu), so their Kata is Heian Nidan. But we worked our way up to it from Taikyoku Shodan all the way through Godan before hitting the Heian Shodan before Nidan. Doing each one a few times with random bunkai thrown in for kicks (pun intended). Dripping with sweat since I decided I wasn't going to take it easy on my self tonight (for whatever reason)

For the first time in weeks Scott showed up 2 classes in a row for sword. This time we actually got through our 820 cut warm up (the way we used to do it, remember guys!?) in about half an hour. Shishou just told me that if he wasn't out yet to start doing cuts to warm up. Scott told me that he practiced his cuts this weekend so I figured he was ready to try to keep up with the old guys. He kept up through about the first 300 or so, so I've got to give him props for that...but then he started dogging them. That's okay: this was much more about me testing my own endurance limits and Scott was "along for the ride". Then we finished with doing each of the 10 Senshi Ken Ryu kata 5 times each. This time Scott finally got his "night of a thousand cuts", and my arms felt good.

Gungfu time. Shishou decided for whatever reason to break out the mats and get some rolling in. So we did some rolling, then some more rolling, then some rolling up into a kick, then doing it differently. Some more rolling and jumping kicks, which we don't practice too often — a nice change of pace, but I'm glad ours is more of a Southern style! I hate jump kicks! — We then worked on diving rolls some more. Then finally finished the class with some kicking and striking drills. Got nice and sweaty!

Bowl of cereal and a two roti for dinner, and I'm done. Tomorrow: TGUs!


Climb that ladder


9 miles at a 13.5 mile pace. Went to CTB for lunch with Kelly

Weight lifting

Tried tinkering around with the timer feature on my cell phone, and determined that it wouldn't be appropriate for doing a Tabata style workout (since there's no quick reset and it doesn't make any kind of audible signal, just storta vibrates at you). Also, I'd have to record my progress in my 10 seconds off, and that just seems like too many things to do: do a manual reset of it on my phone takes more than 10 seconds by itself, never mind also writing down my swing results... So instead I decided to try a two handed swing ladder for the first time in a while. Much success, and boy was I breathing hard at the end of it. Felt really, really great!

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • Two Handed Swing Ladder 2x(10;15;20) for a total of 90 swings in about 3 minutes or so — if I remember how I do this right, I keep adding sets until I hit 5x then I go down to 3x and add a 25 to the top of the ladder. Then I keep working that up until 5x, then add a 30 and work that until I'm at 5 sets. I think that would be "good-enough"... we'll how long that takes me to get to! Felt good to get in the sets I did...not smoked, but my arms do feel slightly jello-ish. I can tell it was a good solid workout. I'll likely repeat this ladder on Thursday when I get my next set of swings in.


Math is fun!

Hit the iron hard this morning after getting side-tracked reading about carb cycling in diets, and then building a spreadsheet which breaks it down by goal, and number of meals per day within the bodyweight. Math is fun!


13.64 miles at a 13.16 mph pace. Went up to to CTB for breakfast/brunch then out to Thomas Rd and home. Good shortish ride.

Weight lifting

TGU day. I tried a slightly different grip on my 'bell this morning, but couldn't hold it straight up (I can't remember what they call the position, but you're holding onto the kettlebell, and it's pointing straight up)... Held it that way for maybe a second or so, while in the prone position at the bottom of a getup, before it decided that it really wanted to say howdy to my forearm like they were long-lost cousins. Good thing I've built up my forearms from all the martial arts training, or that would have really hurt.

Brendan points out that Tabata swings would be a fun thing to try (and yes, 4 minutes does sound like plenty!) I'll give them a shot tomorrow and see how it goes, though the timing part may not be so much fun without a stop watch and a partner...hmm that gives me an idea for a Cardio Kickboxing class later in the year...Tabata Body Weight Squats!

  • FTW Squats — I really felt like getting the lead out on these this morning for some reason. They felt good!
  • Pumps
  • Halos — I really cranked these out this morning...still not fast, but 20 felt like a good "warm-up". One more week at 20, then I'll bump it up to 30
  • TGUs — 5 minutes of good, solid, no bs GUs. Felt great at the end.


Rest Day 2: the Revenge


3 miles

Nothing to see here, move along.

Weight lifting

Rest Day 2. I'm wondering if I need to try moving things around a little bit...what do people think: are too rest days off in a row too many?


Rest Day...it's raining, it's pouring the old man is snoring...


6.5 miles

Rain rain, go away...come again some other day...and I don't mean tomorrow...


Weight lifting

Rest day today. yay!


Mad with power!

I've gone mad with power!! or not. Shishou left town to go to Barbados to teach a seminar, so he left me in charge while he's down there.


5.5 miles

Having a hard time getting motivated to get on the bike in the morning. Maybe that'll change tomorrow morning, since tomorrow's another rest day from the weights.

Weight lifting

Swing day! I would have gotten another set in, but the cats wouldn't leave me alone, so it was getting dangerous, and had to abort the last set and pick-up again a few minutes after (once the kitty was appeased with pettins.

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos — I seem to be getting better at these
  • Swings 10x5x2 — I feel like I could have done another set, but the kitties were getting quite impatient. I wonder if I should switch up to a more strict ladder with swings (10;15;20)?

Other Training

Ran all the classes tonight, so I decided based on questions I was getting from some of the adults to do some conditioning work (also through in some stuff that I read last night in The Naked Warrior), so I taught them the white belt kata as a Sanshin form, since they all should have known it at that point. The adults were hurting, and quite sweaty. The kids weren't doing it right anyway so I wasn't too concerned.

Scott actually showed up for sword class (I know, I was shocked too). So to continue with the conditioning theme for the evening, I declared it to be Night of a Thousand Cuts. In short, I killed Scott. He couldn't even lift his left arm by the end of the evening, but I think he figured out a few things about his form for cuts, We got through 680 cuts before we ran out of time (he isn't the fastest person we've had in class, that's for sure). We did 240 Shinchoku Giris, 240 Kesa Giri, and the remaining 200 were Gyaku-Kesa Giri. I think it says something about the conditioning program (or just that I've been doing sword work since 2001) that I wasn't really even sweating by the end of class.

Gungfu class was good — by request I wasn't too hard on them (dang). We started out working on Zhang Xi Zeh, for a few reps until Danny couldn't keep up anymore. Then we worked on the Combat Gungfu form #1 for the rest of the class (about another half hour or so). Pretty good workout that time, quite a bit of sweat. Gotta love that sweat equity!

Catchup for Wednesday

Heh, I was good about the training in the last two days, but bad about the posting. That happens. Shishou is out of town today, so I'll be running classes for him tonight.


4.6 miles.

Weight lifting

I noticed I'm getting stronger...the TGUs aren't taking the same effort any more, but I'm still careful to go nice and slow

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • TGU


Rest Day

After yesterday's excitement, I didn't feel like I could get on my bike first thing in the morning. Odd, and the weather gave me a nice excuse: when I was first thinking about whether I was gonna go for a long ride it was only 45 °F. So I would have needed many of my winter garments (and would have wanted to shed all of them by the time I got to work. Said F that and cleaned my chain, puttered around a bit and went in the short way.


6 miles, at 14 mph pace.

Weight lifting

Rest day: no lifting.

Other Training

Was late for Karate and only got a chance to do sweeps a couple of times. Scott once again didn't show up for sword class. I don't think exercise is really his thing. That's okay really: it's not for everyone, though Shishou sort of intimated that we may be getting rid of the Qigong/Taiji class as we haven't had anyone show up to it in almost 6 months now. He did say though that he was going to turn it into an "advanced class", which sounds like it's going to be him beating on me and Kyle. I dig it: anything that makes me better/faster/stronger sounds good to me, and I can probably use some additional training on some of my weaker skills. No time like the present! Gungfu wasn't too strenuous, started out with some 4 corner jiing practice and then moved onto some ChinNa. Finished up with the beginnings of the Zhang Xi Zhe then called it a night.


Always wear your helmet

I don't care who you are. I don't care how far you're going. I don't care that it's only just around the corner. I don't care that you've done it hundreds of times in the past. I don't care that you don't care. If you care about me at all you will always wear your helmet when you ride your bike. If you do not, and I catch you doing it, please consider that I will consider it a personal affront from here on out. You have been warned.

So why am I on a soap box ab out this? This morning, at about 10 to 9, I get a phone call from Kelly (my wife for those who aren't up on whom I'm talking about). "I was just hit by a car." ... I swear the color drained from my face. She was struck on the left side by a turning car who "Failed to yield right of way to a cyclist".

Before I continue on my tirade, yes: she's okay. Would she have been without her helmet: the crack down the side says no. She was T-Boned by an elderly chap who was lost on campus and trying to turn into an info booth. He just didn't think a cyclist can move at 15mph down a slight incline/gentle grade. She managed to leave "quite the dent in the door" according to the scene photographer. She suffered a mild concussion, various abrasions and bruises, a sprained and separated shoulder. The bike, miraculously, only had minor scratches and our bike mechanic — who was on his own way into work on bike — happened to arrive on the scene while the cops were talking to me and the driver. He gave it a quick once-over before telling me to bring it up to the shop tonight so that he could fix the bent shift lever. She managed to turn the handlebars at such an angle as to take the majority of the force from the impact in her shoulder and left knee. The other knee was bruised when it struck the ground/bike as she fell. $80 for a new helmet, a bell, and and some new bar-tape. Who knows how big the ER bills will be, but the drivers insurance company will be paying for this, mark my words.

So where does that leave us? Well: the helmet is the only reason that Kelly's able to be happily playing World of Warcrack upstairs right now. If you get hit by something while on your bike your head will inevitably hit the ground. How hard will depend on the situation, but it will hit the ground. In doing so, the helmet will take a large chunk of the force from the impact an distribute it so that Kelly's concussion is only mild. If she hit the car with the same force that her shoulder and knee hit it, she wouldn't be speaking right now. We wouldn't have been able to joke about it. Should would either be a vegetable, in a coma, severe head trauma, or dead. Instead she's breathing, bruised, laughing and sore.

If you love me you will wear your helmet.


12.4 miles. Our normal short-way in commute this morning was closed because of construction, so we took the main roads in, thus it was about 1 mile longer than usual for each of my 2 trips back and forth today.

Weight lifting

It's a good thing I got my training in earlier today: since I don't think I have the energy for it now. Good thing tomorrow is a "rest" day from the iron. Karate, et al. day though :-D. Today was Swings:

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • Swings: 10 (reps) x 4 (sets) x 2 (hands)


Crispy fried Cyclist


31 miles, mostly rolling hills (but then again, this is Ithaca: Everything feels like it's uphill a little), but a few more serious climbs — slogging 12.5 mph pace up those hills, but that's okay: it was more of a fun ride than "OMG MUST GO FASTER" kind of ride. Right away it was made harder with a stop at our favorite little farm stand to pick up a few things towards dinner and low and behold I've added 10lbs to my bike. It's okay, I enjoy the pain. Great ride, and a great healthy dinner to boot: gilled wild sockeye salmon with sweet potatoes and asparagus (to make up for the bad fuel - dim sum - from lunch).

Weight Training

Today begins week 2 of my "getting back on track" regimen. So far: down 2 lbs since this time last week, so I think it's working. My workouts are always first thing in the morning before coffee and breakfast.

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos — new PR for halos (without really meaning to, just spaced out): 20
  • TGUs


On good intentions


I was going to ride a lot today, really I was. I was going to go on a long ride of 14 miles in the morning, then head either home or to the maul or something for lunch. I was going to try to talk Kelly into staying late and going for a 17 mile ride with me after work. None of those things happened. Instead I went simply back and forth today. A measly 5.5 miles. Bah!

Lifting/KB/BodyWeight Workouts

The cats actually let me sleep in, so I had to take a slightly hurried approach to my training this morning. Meaning? I only did 12 Halos instead of my more normal 14-15. That's about the only real difference.

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • TGUs

Other Training

Allergies were a complete and total mess today. I felt like my nose was sliding off my face (and that would have been preferable, believe me). So what was today? Too much eating, not enough training to justify it...but it's a welcome change into tomorrow's "rest" day — was scheduled for a long ride tomorrow, but we're moving that to Sunday because of tomorrow's forecast for boomers all day.


Swings and Martial arts day


It's a good thing I keep track of things in different locations....otherwise I'd be screwed! Breakfast was 1/2 cup musli with 5 small strawberries, 1 banana and 1/2 cup lemon yogurt. Short way in this morning because of work-related crap from yesterday. Snack of coffee and about 1.5 cups of mixed melon salad (pineapple, watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe). Kelly and I biked out to Kyushu for lunch where I had 2 rolls (salmon and avo. hand roll & eel&cucumber roll) and about 1 cup of veggie fried rice with 2 green teas) Total for today is 12 miles with an average speed of about 14mph. The Kettlebelling is really helping, I just need to stop needlessly snacking.

Lifting/KB/BodyWeight Workouts

Tried one handed swings for the hell of it today. Found I can do them just fine, but not as many swings in a row...though part of that could have just been that I was tired, as I didn't get much sleep last night.

  • Face the wall Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • One-handed swing ladders (10/15/15/15)—each hand.

Other Training

  • Hell of a Karate class today, but I wound up helping people with the drills toward the end, but was noticeably dripping
  • Scott showed up for sword, and we stated out with 350 good hard cuts running though all of the 8 basic cuts and 20 tsukis. Form work after wards. Was dripping pretty good by the end. Scott must have been ready to puke
  • Gungfu was killer today. We even did a round of 20 push-ups, 40 jumping jacks and speed jabs/crosses at the end. We started doing half Burpies (I guess you may as well call them squat-jumps) and my pants decided that my ass needed more ventilation, because they tore out seam to seam after I hit 25. They were my favorite silks too. Oh well...just means I get to order new ones at some point when I've got a spare 100 bucks or so, since most of mine don't seem to fit anymore (I mean, yeah they're supposed to be billowy, but some are now at least 2 sizes too big! My XLs look like I could fit me and Kelly into them, if not for the narrow neck line.).

The new folks didn't show up, so Shishou and I called it a night after Gungfu. I feel totally smoked, but in a good way. Planned out the rest of my KB workouts for the next few weeks up until a trip to visit my grandparents in NYC the second weekend in August. Should have eaten a better dinner (leftover deepdish pizza and a 3/4 cup of ice cream), but I'm gonna take a long ride in the morning to make up for the extra calories I put in. Okay, time for another glass of water, then bed. I think the toothpicks I put under my eyelids are starting to slip...


Fortune favors the dedicated


Didn't get in a long ride yesterday, but did this morning, and slayed my previous time for the Thomas Rd loop by almost 6 minutes. That's pretty big considering I've been lazy for a while in terms of getting in long rides lately. I did notice that as soon as I made a small adjustment to my saddle I've been getting much better times in on my short trip home/to work, so that's something anyway.

Lifting/KB/BodyWeight Workouts

Got my TGUs in today. And have set up a Google Calendar instance to track when I can get my training in, per a suggestion from Brendan. It seems to help to have a plan/schedule. Looks something like this:

Other Training

Good hard classes last night. New folks in Taiji/Qigong class. Hopefully they stick around.


On rededication

This weekend was about a rededication, of sorts. I've got 10 weeks until my second 'event' of the year, but this is the big one: the AIDS Ride for Life. I'll be cycling 100 miles around Cayuga Lake, including the Montezuma refuge at the top. In order to do this I've got to train on two things. One: Biking. Gotta put in the miles. At least a thousand miles before the ride day (If you wanna see my progress, go here. Better yet, if you wanna donate, go here.

Looks like I've done at least 1,131 miles as of today, so I'll say that I want to get in 2,000 miles before ride day (that's an average of 13 miles per day, which should be cake.).


This weekend + Today (as of 14:00 Eastern): 28.76 miles. Did the White Church loop with Kelly on Sunday, plus back and forth (to/from home) for lunch today.

Lifting/KB/BodyWeight Workouts

RKC Program Minimum day A: Swing emphasis:

  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • FTW Squats
  • Swing Ladder: (10; 15; 20; 25) x 1 — Felt pretty good on this, so I may go up to 2 sets next time Thursday, dammit.

Other training

I decided to group Everything else into "other" training, that way I don't feel like I have to be so specific...