
Fhqwhgads means everybody to their limit!


5.5 miles

weather fooled me again this morning. Thought we were gonna get rain: didn't do squat.

Weight lifting

Rest day for lifting.

Other Training

Not so much rest was had in Karate. Started out with just Shishou, me and John, then more dedicated family showed up and we got down to business with kata (after our normal warm up of rolls/falls of course). They're all orange belts (7th kyu), so their Kata is Heian Nidan. But we worked our way up to it from Taikyoku Shodan all the way through Godan before hitting the Heian Shodan before Nidan. Doing each one a few times with random bunkai thrown in for kicks (pun intended). Dripping with sweat since I decided I wasn't going to take it easy on my self tonight (for whatever reason)

For the first time in weeks Scott showed up 2 classes in a row for sword. This time we actually got through our 820 cut warm up (the way we used to do it, remember guys!?) in about half an hour. Shishou just told me that if he wasn't out yet to start doing cuts to warm up. Scott told me that he practiced his cuts this weekend so I figured he was ready to try to keep up with the old guys. He kept up through about the first 300 or so, so I've got to give him props for that...but then he started dogging them. That's okay: this was much more about me testing my own endurance limits and Scott was "along for the ride". Then we finished with doing each of the 10 Senshi Ken Ryu kata 5 times each. This time Scott finally got his "night of a thousand cuts", and my arms felt good.

Gungfu time. Shishou decided for whatever reason to break out the mats and get some rolling in. So we did some rolling, then some more rolling, then some rolling up into a kick, then doing it differently. Some more rolling and jumping kicks, which we don't practice too often — a nice change of pace, but I'm glad ours is more of a Southern style! I hate jump kicks! — We then worked on diving rolls some more. Then finally finished the class with some kicking and striking drills. Got nice and sweaty!

Bowl of cereal and a two roti for dinner, and I'm done. Tomorrow: TGUs!

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