
Climb that ladder


9 miles at a 13.5 mile pace. Went to CTB for lunch with Kelly

Weight lifting

Tried tinkering around with the timer feature on my cell phone, and determined that it wouldn't be appropriate for doing a Tabata style workout (since there's no quick reset and it doesn't make any kind of audible signal, just storta vibrates at you). Also, I'd have to record my progress in my 10 seconds off, and that just seems like too many things to do: do a manual reset of it on my phone takes more than 10 seconds by itself, never mind also writing down my swing results... So instead I decided to try a two handed swing ladder for the first time in a while. Much success, and boy was I breathing hard at the end of it. Felt really, really great!

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos
  • Two Handed Swing Ladder 2x(10;15;20) for a total of 90 swings in about 3 minutes or so — if I remember how I do this right, I keep adding sets until I hit 5x then I go down to 3x and add a 25 to the top of the ladder. Then I keep working that up until 5x, then add a 30 and work that until I'm at 5 sets. I think that would be "good-enough"... we'll how long that takes me to get to! Felt good to get in the sets I did...not smoked, but my arms do feel slightly jello-ish. I can tell it was a good solid workout. I'll likely repeat this ladder on Thursday when I get my next set of swings in.


buQ Queso said...

Go for it!

Brendan said...

not that you don't know this, but with swings, your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings (and maybe upper back since its a stabilizer) should be tired, not your arms at all.

Unknown said...

Yeah, my arms are really only tired from transmitting the force and gripping the bell. Everything else feels great!