
Mad with power!

I've gone mad with power!! or not. Shishou left town to go to Barbados to teach a seminar, so he left me in charge while he's down there.


5.5 miles

Having a hard time getting motivated to get on the bike in the morning. Maybe that'll change tomorrow morning, since tomorrow's another rest day from the weights.

Weight lifting

Swing day! I would have gotten another set in, but the cats wouldn't leave me alone, so it was getting dangerous, and had to abort the last set and pick-up again a few minutes after (once the kitty was appeased with pettins.

  • FTW Squats
  • Pumps
  • Halos — I seem to be getting better at these
  • Swings 10x5x2 — I feel like I could have done another set, but the kitties were getting quite impatient. I wonder if I should switch up to a more strict ladder with swings (10;15;20)?

Other Training

Ran all the classes tonight, so I decided based on questions I was getting from some of the adults to do some conditioning work (also through in some stuff that I read last night in The Naked Warrior), so I taught them the white belt kata as a Sanshin form, since they all should have known it at that point. The adults were hurting, and quite sweaty. The kids weren't doing it right anyway so I wasn't too concerned.

Scott actually showed up for sword class (I know, I was shocked too). So to continue with the conditioning theme for the evening, I declared it to be Night of a Thousand Cuts. In short, I killed Scott. He couldn't even lift his left arm by the end of the evening, but I think he figured out a few things about his form for cuts, We got through 680 cuts before we ran out of time (he isn't the fastest person we've had in class, that's for sure). We did 240 Shinchoku Giris, 240 Kesa Giri, and the remaining 200 were Gyaku-Kesa Giri. I think it says something about the conditioning program (or just that I've been doing sword work since 2001) that I wasn't really even sweating by the end of class.

Gungfu class was good — by request I wasn't too hard on them (dang). We started out working on Zhang Xi Zeh, for a few reps until Danny couldn't keep up anymore. Then we worked on the Combat Gungfu form #1 for the rest of the class (about another half hour or so). Pretty good workout that time, quite a bit of sweat. Gotta love that sweat equity!


buQ Queso said...

Wow, that sounds great. I wish I was there to sweat it out with ya's. I've got no one to practice with down here. :(

Keep up the great work!


Brendan said...

If you are more into the conditioning aspect, I'd look into tabata swings with the kb. do your normal stuff (squats, pump, halo) and then try:

8 sets: 20 sec. work / 10 sec. rest

Go as hard as you can for 20 seconds and rest for 10 (8 times). C'mon, it's only 4 minutes. How hard could it be?